Promising Seedlings

These are promising seedlings that we have selected from the 2,500 seedlings that we are growing. We transplant 700-1000 daylily seedlings each spring after germinating them in our barn in February. We select seedlings with potential in their second year, which is their first bloom year. We continue to grow seedlings for an additional year....just in case..... and we occasionally find some gems in the third and final year. Unselected seedlings are composted. Selected seedlings are then grown and observed for about 5 years and about 15% of selected seedlings make the final cut and are named and registered with the American Hemerocallis Society.






22-06, fantastic flower.

23-03_4437 copy

seedling 23-03 BIOTR x UNK

23-01_4405 copy

seedling 23-01

21-21_4291 copy 2

seedling 21-21 Undefinable x seedling 15-01

21-13_3458 copy

seedling 21-13

21-18_4606 copy 2

21-18 BIOTR x UNK

20-18_4985 copy

seedling 20-18 EITPF x (EITPF x Helena's Fire)

Contact Info

Perfect Perennials
3210 Ruppert Rd
York PA 17408
P:(717) 880-5553

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